

How Many Things Can Go On A Ban List?

Comment By bob L.

Whoops Obama is now going to have to put a ban on BOMBS, lets see, there is Guns, Knives, and now Bombs, how is Obama going to keep up with all these bans and still do his job on putting the screws to the American People.


Ore. teen accused of planning to attack school

Associated Press By STEVEN DUBOIS | Associated Press

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — An Oregon high school student is being charged with attempted murder after the authorities say he planned to attack his high school with bombs.

The student, 17-year-old Grant Acord, was taken to a juvenile jail Thursday night after police received a tip that the youth was making a bomb to blow up West Albany High School.

Benton County District Attorney John Haroldson said late Saturday that authorities found six bombs in a secret compartment in the boy’s bedroom.

Haroldson said Acord had written plans and checklists, and his intent was “forged and inspired by the model of the Columbine shootings.”

Haroldson said the teen is being charged as an adult.

Police found no bombs during a search of West Albany High, which about 75 miles south of Portland.

Categories: America, Children, Education, Governments, News, Obama, People, safety, School Kids, Terrorist, violence | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment

Faults Advertising from Government on Gun Control

Obama Comment We Here you, Ha

David_Dees_Obama_and_Gun_ConfiscationI must say He only hears what he wants and what won’t cut into his profits, this same thing goes for every Politician, but when it come’s to the Constitution, they will not do any thing to change any thing that can make them money, take for instance VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES, Nine times out of Ten, these shootings show that they were into them along with VIOLENT MOVIES, why don’t we start there, we can’t because it comes under the First Amendment, and we can not go against it, but yet they can go after the Second Amendment to take your rights away from protecting your self.

(Obama outlines effort to stem gun violence ‘epidemic’) Lets start with Violence in Movies, Television Shows, and Video Games, Oh and we can not forget about the News Media that covers and plays the same news story day after day, I am pretty sure the people involved, enjoy seeing it day after day, so lets start Education here with the people not the Government and their Court system that does what the Politicians want.christmas-video-games


Obama on gun violence petitions: ‘We hear you’

By Olivier Knox, Yahoo! News | The Ticket

President Barack Obama on Friday told hundreds of thousands of people who have signed White House petitions urging him to do more to battle gun violence: “We hear you.” Obama also pleaded with Americans to mount a “sustained effort” to press Congress for action.

The president, in a rare video response to an outpouring of calls for action in the aftermath of the school massacre in Newtown, Conn., vowed to push to “steps that both protect our rights and protect our kids” but asked the public for help.

“I will do everything in my power as president to advance these efforts, because if there’s even one thing we can do as a country to protect our children, we have a responsibility to try,” he said. But “I can’t do it alone. I need your help.”

“If we’re going to succeed it’s going to take a sustained effort from mothers and fathers daughters and sons law enforcement and responsible gun owners, organizing, speaking up, calling their members of congress as many times as it takes, standing up and saying enough on behalf of all our kids,” Obama said.

“You started something and now I’m asking you to keep at it.”

Categories: America, Children, Democrats, Freedom Lost, Governments, Obama, People, School Kids, Terrorist, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

World Wide Killings

Who is Really at Fault

K praying-asking-god_svg_thumbMy deepest feelings go out to all the Families who have lost Loved one from War, Terrorist with a Gun, and some with Disabilities.

I put the blame on the Parents who don’t care what their kids are doing, because they are spending most of their time going to Parties, or hanging around the Local Pub Drinking and Smoking POT, but as far as teaching their kids right or wrong, they don’t have time, most of the time they don’t even know where they are, but they are not all the blame, the Government has their hand in the problem as well.

Who is to blame, it is not the gun, it is people who will do any thing to get their names in the News, but when it comes to doing something about it, I DON’T WANT TO GET INVOLVED, well you better look again, you are involved, the day you took it upon your self to get your name in the news promoting some thing that you don’t know what the outcome can bring, well that is what is happening around the world, but you will sit down and  promote and watch Violent Movies, Play Violent video games, and TV Cop Shows that promote Police Brutality, but these are the people who are trying to ban firearms, sex education, and religion in schools, but they will promote Alcoholic and Marijuana and what ever else they can do to get their name in the News, how do we know if they are not in cahoots to help disarm all Legal law-abiding Citizens who want to protect themselves.

Look a round you look what is happening around the World, people who don’t have any way to protect themselves are getting Massacred (a general slaughter, as of persons: the massacre of millions during the war that Politicians start.) is this what you want here in the United States, just because it is not here now does not mean it won’t be in the future, is this what  you want to leave your kids hiding in caves because they can not defend themselves.


Categories: America, Children, Democrats, Freedom Lost, Money, Obama, personal freedom, safety, School Kids, Terrorist, violence, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment

National Labor Relations Board, force all businesses to turn over workers’ phone numbers, emails and MORE

Comment By Bob L.

People Complain about Cameras on public streets and Businesses being invasion of privacy, what would you say about the Government and Unions forcing Businesses to turn over your personal information to the Unions so they can call and harass you to join the Union, this would definitely be invasion of privacy, there is no reason for the Union or Government to have this information except for HARASSMENT AND INTIMIDATION. All States should be right to work states, it is not up to the Unions or the Government to say who can work and not work among Legal American Citizens.

If Obama and the  National Labor Relations Board get their way you will lose what privacy and be under Total Control of the Government and Unions, FREEDOM LOST.

WHO is running this Country?????

In this Picture I don’t see a President of the American People I see him as a very Corrupt Leader as Hitler was.

[This Aug. 4, 2010 file photo shows President Barack Obama standing with AFL-CIO Presidet Richard Trumka after he spoke about jobs and the economy at the AFL-CIO Executive Council in Washington. “There are things the president can do, and we’ll be expecting that leadership from President Obama,” Trumka told reporters after the election. Topping the list, for now, is a push to raise taxes on wealthy Americans and discouraging Obama from agreeing to any deal with Republicans.]


Labor: Tax the rich, don’t touch safety nets

By SAM HANANEL | Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — After two years of getting pummeled in Wisconsin, Indiana and other battleground states, leaders of the nation’s big labor unions were beaming on election night.

Labor’s massive voter turnout effort played a major role in helping President Barack Obama win Ohio, Nevada and Wisconsin, according to exit polls, and its leaders are now looking for a more liberal, pro-union agenda from the White House.

“There are things the president can do, and we’ll be expecting that leadership from President Obama,” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka told reporters after the election.

Topping labor’s wish list — for now — is a push to raise taxes on wealthy Americans and discouraging Obama from agreeing to any deal with Republicans over the looming “fiscal cliff” that cuts into Social Security and Medicare.

But unions are also pressing for new measures that might help boost their sagging membership rolls. New investment in infrastructure would bring construction jobs for trade unions. Immigration reform — and a path to citizenship for 11 million undocumented Latino immigrants — would create a vast new pool of potential union members. And new regulations could remove some obstacles to union organizing.

Business groups that have vigorously opposed efforts to help unions draw new members say they will keep playing defense.

“My primary concern is in the regulations,” said Randel Johnson, vice president at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for labor issues. “We are afraid that on employment issues, the administration will stay firmly to the left and follow the lead of the unions.”

A new rule expected from the Labor Department would force companies to reveal relationships with so-called union-busting consulting companies even if the companies have no contact with workers. The National Labor Relations Board is expected to start work on a rule that would force businesses to turn over workers’ phone numbers, emails and shift times to union organizers.

The Obama administration might even consider a plan that would give an advantage in bidding on government contracts to companies that offer workers a higher living wage and generous benefits.

Unlike four years ago, unions have not made passage of card-check legislation a centerpiece of their agenda. The long-stalled measure that would require companies to recognize a union once more than half its eligible employees signed union cards instead of putting the question to a secret-ballot vote went nowhere in Obama’ first term, to the chagrin of many union activists.

Card check remains a dead end with Republicans in firm control of the House. Amy Dean, a former head of the AFL-CIO in California’s Silicon Valley, said unions are being more realistic about what they can get.

“They are all about strengthening the right to organize within the confines of what’s politically possible,” Dean said.

Unions showed they still wield considerable political muscle, despite declining membership and having to spend millions fighting efforts in dozens of state legislatures to curb their bargaining rights or limit their political clout. About 11.8 percent of all workers belong to a union; in the private sector union membership is only 6.9 percent.

Exit polls show Obama won 58 percent of voters from union households, compared with 40 percent for Republican Mitt Romney. That margin rose to 60 percent in Ohio and 66 percent in Wisconsin, where 1 of every 5 voters comes from a union household.

“We did deliver those states,” Trumka said. “Without organized labor, none of those would have been in the president’s column.”

Unions expected to spend big — more than $400 million — to help Obama and other union-friendly candidates at the federal, state and local levels. The country’s largest public workers union, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, says it spent about $100 million while the Service Employees International Union says it spent $85 million.

But labor’s election success hinged in large part on its extensive ground game. Thousands of volunteers made millions of personal contacts with union and nonunion voters. Labor also took advantage of new rules on super-PACs, funneling at least $77 million to the groups, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

An analysis by the Sunlight Foundation, which tracks money in politics, found that unions and other Democratic-leaning groups were far more successful than outside conservative groups in targeting money toward winning House and Senate campaigns. The SEIU spent more than 70 percent of its funds on winners, for example, while Karl Rove’s American Crossroads and its nonprofit affiliate had only a 6 percent success rate.

In addition to measures that may help increase union numbers, labor leaders are also expecting the Obama administration to issue more regulations targeting workplace safety. Proposed rules to protect workers from cancer-causing and lung-damaging silica, often found in the dust at construction sites and glass manufacturing operations, have languished at the White House for more than a year. The administration also has delayed new standards for combustible dust that can cause explosions.

Business groups have opposed the regulations, saying they overreach and would raise employers’ costs by millions of dollars.

Categories: Abuse, America, Corruption, Democrats, Freedom Lost, Governments, JOBS, Obama, People, Republicans, Terrorist, Unions, White House | Tags: , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Big Problems in Every Ones City If An other 4 Years Ah Lets Say States

Comment:  People think about the Last 3 1/2 years

I can not believe that people have picked up on the last three and a half years since Obama has been in Office, He has divided the people and this is causing unrest with many nationalities of people in this Country and around the world and Political people, and with this comes more people who will be KILLED then before, AND even in his own state the killings are on the rise, and what is the solution for this, it is shake their finger at them and say behave your selves, He has put people out of work, He has given Taxpayer money to Bankrupt Companies to go over seas, He has helped other Countries Drill for Oil with Taxpayer money, IS This What We Need For Another FOUR Years. Continue reading

Categories: America, Children, Democrats, Freedom, Freedom Lost, Obama, People, safety, Terrorist, violence, White House | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

White House plays down prospect of new gun laws

Comment For Eggheads on Gun Control and other changes

Get over yourselves people,  no matter what you do to BAN Guns, you will never keep Guns out of the hands of Criminal and Terrorist, these people can get guns any where they want, so then what will you do to protect your self from intruders and people wanting to take over this country with force.

You know there are more and more Nitwits and Idiots Escaping from the Nut House today then the past years, what school taught them to be so stupid and ignorant, where ever it is, I want to make sure that my Kids and Grand-kids don’t go there.

No matter where you look today some one or some group want some special treatment above every one else in this country, when are these people going to under stand that there is a Constitution of laws, and that there is a Bible for all people to go and worship with out persecution, but there are people today that want this changed, well if you don’t like the religions of the people of this Country, go fine your self a Private Island and start your own private life, other words abide by the Constitution of this Country and the Bibles of the people and stop trying to change this Country to your way of thinking.


White House plays down prospect of new gun laws

By Olivier Knox, Yahoo! News | The Ticket
Thu, Jul 26, 2012 Continue reading

Categories: America, Democrats, Freedom Lost, Governments, People, Politics, safety, Terrorist, violence, White House | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

If Attorney General Eric Holder was white, would they still Have Walked Out???

Comment By Not for this Administration

If the Attorney General was WHITE, would we see the Democrats walkout? This shows just what these Politicians think of the U.S. and the American people, it shows that they are there to collect a free ride on the People.

This also shows that these Democrats don’t want to see this Country get out of this recession or Depression, but when it comes down to corruption in this Country they don’t want to stop it for fear that it might show how much they are involved. Continue reading

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Financial Crisis, Freedom Lost, Obama, People, Politics, Terrorist, White House | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment

Obama On Air Force One travel

Comment By Hogwash

I have never heard so much HOGWASH, LYING, FLIP FLOPPING, you name it you got it from this President every time he opens his Mouth.

This President Blames every one else for the condition of this Country, if every one goes against him, they are racist, all this shows is that this Idiot was never qualified to be President from day one, just look how much he has destroyed this Country and all Americans when it comes to JOBS and SAFETY in this Country, if he gets FOUR MORE YEARS, this Country will be in war with each other.

Obama and his Terrorist groups who showed their contempt against this Country and the Constitution by pushing for a vigilante mob who has harassed people with the same name, whether they were related to some one or not.


Obama says Air Force One travel is ‘not my choice’ in sharp exchange

By Olivier Knox | The Ticket
Thur.04-12-2012 Continue reading

Categories: America, Democrats, Money, Obama, People, Politics, Profiling, Terrorist, violence, White House | Tags: , , , | 3 Comments

Judge warns Wash. union to halt illegal tactics

By Bob L.
Fri. 09/09/2011

This shows just what Obama is backing and should show people that this is what Obama is capable doing, who do you think is one of the big backers of  Obama’s Campagne and Obamacare, because they are one of his exempt from forced Obamacare.

The Union should face a heavy fine and every one should be prosecuted for their part in the crime, if any one else did that they would throw the book at them, so why should they be any different, other than Obama, and Holder giving them a pardon

This is not a good reputation of what a UNION is, the only thing it shows is that it is a branch of a terrorist organisation that is to bring down America from within, and they are not for America, not all Unions use strong-arm tactics to force them themselves on others, you have One Union trying to monopolize and control all unions.

Don’t think that all Unions are bad, I have been with Three Unions, one was taken over by a big powerful union which did very little for us, they only wanted the money to fight for their people, the second union would not honor there own BYLAWS, the third Union jumped in with both feet and fought for us and would not put up with any violence by its members.

The union I was in when I retired, I saw other Unions slowly taking over jobs that I used to do, and that was an Equipment Operator, so what are the Long Shoreman  complaining about, they took away some of the jobs I used to do.


By MIKE BAKER – Associated Press
Fri.09 09 2011

TACOMA, Wash. (AP) — Union activists aren’t backing off demands to work at a new Washington state grain terminal after hundreds of Longshore workers stormed the facility, overwhelmed guards and dumped grain.

U.S. District Judge Ronald Leighton issued a preliminary injunction to restrict union activity, saying there was no defense for the aggressive tactics used in recent days.

Workers have been battling for the right to work at the new terminal in Longview. Protesters twice blocked the pathway of a train carrying grain to the terminal at the Port of Longview on Wednesday, and on Thursday hundreds of carried out the aggressive raid, police said. Continue reading

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Money, People, Politics, safety, Terrorist, Unemployed, violence | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment

Court’s ruling in funeral protest case restates First Amendment principles

people_32.gif (9824 bytes)Are YOU yes YOU are you Fed-Up

UP date 02/03/2011

Here we go again, OUR Government is sticking it to the Americans again, it is called Obama’s LAW. (Do on to the American people before they can stop you.)

And these people are an other form of TERRORIST backed by our Government.

These are the type of people who are destroying this Country for the sake of fame and publicity, and although, they are nothing but terrorists that this Country promotes and backs, because they don’t have the backbone to stand up to these terrorists.

This group is doing just as much damage to this Country as the world terror group, they preach the BIBLE. but do they do as it says AN EYE FOR AN EYE, A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH, NO, they are cowards and don’t practice what they preach.

Here are some videos to see just how much they are against the U.S an ALL Americans and just think and backed by OUR OWN Government, who even lets them deface OUR FLAG which stands for FREEDOM.


In this video shows one person standing on the flag: http://news.yahoo.com/video/politics-15749652/father-speaks-out-after-court-allows-funeral-protests-24399488



[As appalling as most Americans would find these protests, the Supreme Court in an 8-1 decision found that the picketers could not be successfully sued because the protests were protected by the First Amendment.]

So if this law stands like they say, that means that they can NO longer ENFORCE, hate, or harassment, if you are on public property and 1000 feet away from who you are doing it to, and stand on your FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS, as long as you are doing it peacefully.


By Yahoo! News

By Ken Paulson
President, the First Amendment Center

Today’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to back the right of a small Kansas church to protest outside military funerals is shocking—and not surprising at all.

The shocking part stems from what many Americans no doubt see as the sheer ugliness of the protests of Pastor Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church. This is a group that has protested homosexuality in American society, particularly in the military, by carrying such signs as “God hates the U.S.A./Thank God for 9/11” and “Thank God for Dead Soldiers.”

The church’s strategy is to stage protests at high visibility funerals, Continue reading

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